Thursday, January 11, 2007


The internet connection situation hasn't been great, so I traipsed off to an internet cafe the other day to post the previous two blogs - but it was definitely not somewhere I wanted to crawl around on the ground to plug in a flash drive, so I figured you all could wait.

At any rate, we have been doing some substantive work and it feels like we've been here FOREVER. I'll try to post in the next day or so about the projects, meetings and interviews that are going on, but right now I must get back to typing up my interview notes (we spent yesterday at a drug rehab drop-in centre, interviewing former prisoners).

Anyhow, stuff is fun, exciting, stressful, exhausting, and all the other great things that should be happening when one is doing human rights work in a developing country, and will remain so for the next few weeks, insha'allah!


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