Saturday, January 13, 2007

In case you were afraid no "work" was being done ...

So we were surprised in December with the news that Mike Jones, the Program's communications officer, would be joining our mission. Among other things, he's responsible for keeping a blog on our official human rights work (it's going to be a blog for the Program generally, but since he's here now, it's currently all about us!). It's not live (as in, people can't search for and find it, or comment on it), and so far he's only got three days posted, not edited, etc., but if you're interested in the nitty-gritty:



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear sweetiepie,
feels great to read your experienceful comments... i wish you could make your way to KAthmandu..... but anyways im happy that you had a wonderful time in Goa, Mumbai n now in Chembur... but it was strange to read your comparisons bet Mumbai n mumbai that bad????? ive never been there, so thats why im askin you. take care n hope to see u in the wedding. love ya n miss ya

2:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear sweetiepie,
feels great to read your experienceful comments... i wish you could make your way to KAthmandu..... but anyways im happy that you had a wonderful time in Goa, Mumbai n now in Chembur... but it was strange to read your comparisons bet Mumbai n mumbai that bad????? ive never been there, so thats why im askin you. take care n hope to see u in the wedding. love ya n miss ya

2:14 AM  

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